The Power Percentage Index tracks progress towards full representation of women in American Leadership ranks.
The Power Percentage Index tracks this progress across 7 broad segments of American public life. Each of these has ten or more sub-categories.
How do we fix the leadership gender gap? First, we monitor it.
The Power Percentage Forum is A Compendium of Voices on Achieving the Power Percentage
This anthology of experts are voices on American Leadership
PP Experts show us what it will take for Women to inhabit 50% of all Leadership Roles in America
A community of voices… A community of experts across 7 segments of American Life
Women inhabit 50% of all Leadership Roles across American Public Life.
Leadership needs to be representative. 50/50 is fair.
What will it take for Women to Inhabit 50% of all Leadership Roles across American Public Life?

We’ve broken American society into Seven Key Segments and identified the current percentage of women leaders in each segment. We’ve further segmented each of these Seven Segments into essential sub-segments.
Explore each Segment here, and see how close or far we are from the Power Percentage: