
Wealth & Income in the USA


Who holds the Wealth in America?

Who are America’s Richest People?


10 Wealthiest

10 Wealthiest

0% (0 out of 10)

The 10 wealthiest Americans - all men - own $1.3 Trillion of Wealth in America


20 Wealthiest

20 Wealthiest

15% (3 out of 20)

The 20 wealthiest Americans hold $1.8 trillion of total US wealth.

Women in the top 20 wealthiest hold just $0.18 trillion of this – 10% of the wealth held by the 20 wealthiest people


Forbes 400


Forbes 400

14% (56 out of 400)

The Forbes 400 wealthiest Americans hold $4.5 trillion of total wealth in America.

American women in the Forbes 400 hold $0.6 trillion of total wealth.


Who earns the most in America?


Top 15 Income Earners in America

7% (1 out of 15) are women


Top 1% of Income Earners in America

16% are women



Articles and links related to Women and Wealth in America