The Ten Richest People in America


[Elon Musk (Tesla Motors, SpaceX) … Jeff Bezos (Amazon) … Bill Gates (Microsoft) … Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway) … Larry Page (Google) … Sergey Brin (Google) … Larry Ellison (Oracle) … Steve Ballmer (Microsoft) … Michael Bloomberg (Bloomberg LP) … Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook/Meta)]

Even after losing $36bn in a year, Elon Musk remains on the top, with a total net worth of $234 bn. In fact, even after losing $39bn in Meta stock value in a week, Mark Zuckerberg remains in the top 10 in America. The bulk of the wealth at the top derives from tech founders, followed by financial (Warren Buffet and Michael Bloomberg).[3] Falling off the list into spot #11 is Jim Walton of Wal-Mart.

10 men and no women

0 out of 10 = 0%


How does this compare to the rest of America?

The 10 Wealthiest Americans Total Net Worth of: $1,201 billion (~ $1 trillion)

The Bottom 50% of Americans Total Net Worth of: $3,922 billion. (~ $4 trillion)

(Source: Federal Reserve Q3 2021)

By Total Wealth:

The Top $1.3 Trillion of Wealth in America

0% Women … 100% Men

WealthLydia Swan