

In the Governance segment, we explore the areas most people think of when they think of those in power – most typically, men in power.  These are the elected or appointed governmental and political positions that directly influence the systems under which American citizens live, and which affect people all over the world.

We consider the current state of women’s representation in three major branches of United States governance, at both a Federal and State level: 

  • The Executive Branch; namely the Presidency & Vice Presidency, the 50 State Governors, and Mayors of the 50 Largest American cities. 

  • The Legislative Branch; comprised of the US Congress (Senate & House of Representatives) and the state legislatures. 

  • The Judicial Branch of Judges and Justices in US court systems. 

In addition to the three major branches of US Governance, we explore two organizations in Global Finance & Development in which the United States plays a key role: Namely, The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.


In each essay, we invite you to ask the question, What will it take for women to get into the Power Percentage in Governance?

GovernanceLydia Swan