Stem/Technology & Development


Technology & Development fields, driven by STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) define and determine our future.

As a sector of American Public Life, Technology & Development can be located in:


Government –
The US Government funds basic research (e.g. NASA, DOE, NSF, NIH, USDA) and contracts for technology (e.g. Department of Defense), as well as funding applied research and experimental development

Business/Corporate –
America’s great tech companies (e.g., ‘Big Tech’ and others) have large R&D divisions. 83% of the growth of R&D spending in America from 2010 to 2019 came from the corporate sector.

Higher Education –
Which develop the future through research & science labs, future STEM leaders, innovation in engineering departments, and collaborations with government and industry at America’s top research universities.

The US awards the highest number of STEM advanced degrees.

Venture Capital & Funding –
Funding for start-ups and tech accelerators from America’s wealthiest, investment banking and Venture Capital.

The US spends more on R&D expenditures than any other country (27% of the global total, at $656 billion). Most funding is in the private sector, followed by the US government.

StemLydia Swan