The Military: The US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps

1 Top Admiral


The Success of Female Representation in the USPHSCC

(1 out of 1 – 100%)

Admiral Rachel L Levine is a professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at Penn State College of Medicine, a four-star admiral and the US Assistant Secretary for Health.

This commissioned corps, founded in 1889, is led by the US Surgeon General (currently Vice Adm Vivek Murthy), and operates under the direction of the US Department of Health & Human Services (currently headed by US Secretary of HHS Xavier Becerra).  The USPHSCC has more than 6000 officers and no enlisted ranks.

The USPHSCC has already achieved gender parity. In fact, according to the corps’ website, as of September 2020, “Of the 6097 active duty Public Health Service officers, slightly over half (55%) identify as female.” 


Active Duty By Gender


What did it take for women to get into the Power Percentage of Officers and Leaders of the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps?

GovernanceLydia Swan