University Presidents - Private


Only 1 out of 5 of America’s top private colleges is headed by a woman. This is down from 1 out of 3 earlier this year. 

12 out of 50 = 20%


In early 2022, the top 50 Private colleges and universities in America boasted 16 female university Presidents (32%).  By mid-2022, that number had dropped to 12 (20%).

These 12 female Presidents of America’s Top 50 Private Universities are:

  • Christina Paxson - Brown University – Providence #9                      

  • M. Elizabeth “Liz” Magill - University of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia #11               

  • Maria Klawe - Harvey Mudd College – Claremont #18                    

  • Martha E. Pollack - Cornell University – Ithaca #23                                    

  • Carol Folt - University of Southern California – Los Angeles #25 

  • Sian Beilock - Barnard College – New York #28                                        

  • Paula Johnson - Wellesley College – Wellesley #31                                  

  • Maud Mandel - Williams College – Williamstown #36                       

  • Laurie L. Patton - Middlebury College – Middlebury #37                              

  • Dr. Susan R. Wente - Wake Forest University – Winston-Salem #40   

  • Kimberly W. Benston - Haverford College – Haverford #42                                  

  • Clayton Spencer - Bates College – Lewiston #45


What will it take for women to get into the Power Percentage among Private University Presidents?

EducationLydia Swan